Importance of “Sharadhha” in Spiritual Path

Sharadhha (Faith) is the key for one`s development on the Spiritual path. It is the firm determination that with service of Krishna, everything is accomplished. If we can develop such kind of faith for service of Krishna that will be enough. Our Grurudev, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirth Goswami Maharaj, always emphasized on taking shelter of the holy name (reciting of Mahamantra). Many thought that  he didn’t speak much about other confidential Vaishnava subjects. He purposefully did so, seeing the condition of the “Jiva” (Human being) in this material world. Today the information about such confidential things are easily available through scriptures. But information without realization has no meaning. And when one has the realization, knowledge manifests automatically. We must understand that in transcendental world the information will not remain the same. As the lord is infinite the realization is also infinite and depending on person to person the realization may change. Therefore more important is to understand the importance of subject matter and develop faith. After “Sharadhha” comes “Sadhu Sang“(association with lord`s pure devotee). “Sadhu Sangha” means to understanding the mood of the saint. Scriptures say “lav matra sadhu sanga sarv siddhi hoye” (even a drop of association with Saint is enough to accomplish everything). Today, even though we have the association with Saints it is not helping in one`s Spiritual development. It is because the faith has not been developed, which is the very first stage itself. We just assume that since we are able to associate with Saint, “Sharadhha” is already present.

Other stages after “Sadhu Sang” are, Bhajan Kriya (Hearing, Chanting, Singing glories of lord etc.), Anarth Nivrati, Ruchi, Nistha, Bhav, Maha Bhav and then Prem (Love). With attainment of Prem Swarup Siddhi (Realization of Jiva`s relation with Krishna) comes. When we speak of “Anarth Nivrati” we should introspect if we have overcome the weakness of senses like lust, anger, greed, illusion. It is said that even from the level of “Bhav” there is a possibility of falling down. Today we all are at a place where we can fall down any moment, there is no point of discussing higher confidential matters.

 Instead we should focus more on chanting and try to achieve a platform from where one can develop further on the spiritual path. Like, simply by talking or gaining information superficially about medical terminologies, one cannot become a doctor. One has to first reach some common platform like graduation and thereafter prepare for examinations which allow him to enter the institution which impart the required knowledge and qualification to become a doctor. We are now at a platform where we do not know anything and people come and speak about “Siddha Deha” (Spiritual Body) and other higher things. 

Our Gaudia Vaishnav Acharya`s knew this and gave us these nine steps ( Sharadhha, Sadhu Sang, Anarth Nivrati, Ruchi, Nistha, Bhav, Maha Bhav, Prem, Swarup Siddhi) by following which we can reach our spiritual destination. Under the shelter of Srila Gurudev, I have now spent more than twenty years on the spiritual path. In this journey I have understood that even if I develop Sharadhha (faith) in my heart before I die I shall consider myself to be successful.

Depend on either Krishna or Maya (Illusion)

Anger, lust, illusion, ego, envy, greed resides in our heart. We may pretend that we are untouched but the weakness remains within.

 Once I was having a conversation with a devotee from Delhi. He said, “I am free now, I have left everything, now I am relaxed and want to focus only on my chanting.” After few days he called me crying after meeting his female companion. These desire sit in our sub-conscious mind and gets triggered from time to time pulling us in different directions. 

Like, Sobri Rishi (Saint) after performing Ten thousand years of “Sadhana” (penance) in sacred waters of Yamuna, wanted to marry fifty daughters of Maldata. As a result of staying in water for such a period, his body had become rotten and looked terrible. He used all his energy and perfection to change his form so that all the daughters of Maldata married him. Lust is so horrible. This anger, lust, illusion, ego, envy, greed may be visible or invisible and may be at different levels in different people. Sometime, simply by looking in the eyes we can understand what is going on in a person`s mind. In some sophisticated person it may not be visible on the outside and sometimes the person may not even know it is residing within. To overcome these, scriptures have prescribed the mantra and other practices. As following these may be difficult , scriptures have further advised to associate with Guru Vaishnava’s (Spiritual teachers) and stay under their shelter. Automatically, we will be rescued.

 Narottam Das Thakura is in a state of deep love but is having a fear. The fear is of these six vices. He is teaching us that externally one may appear strong but if one wants to progress in Spiritual life he must be in shelter of Guru Vaishnava’s.

A person once told me that he does want to depend on anyone and wants to be free. It is an impossible task, either we can depend on Krishna or his external potency, “Maya” (Illusion). Narottam Das Thakura says that he is the most fallen with the bad conduct. It can be anyone who is not chanting the holy name and not serving Krishna. Because it is Krishna who has given us not only the gross or the subtle body, but even the soul has also been provided by him. Everything belongs to him and we are surviving by lord`s Mercy. Therefore, even though the person may be in a mode of goodness, he has an evil conduct as he is not serving Krishna. A person may consider himself good as he has not hurt anyone, did no wrong or may have taken care of his family. But in Srimad Bhagwatam 5th Canto and Garud Puran it is said even such person will go to hell as he did not surrender to Krishna. Not much can be said about people in the mode of ignorance and passion.

 Some people today donate their body parts after death or donate some body parts like kidneys to people in need. They are praised by society for their sacrifice. A “Jiva” should understand the lord has given him everything through which he survives and experiences this world. But “Jiva” is thankless and does not want to serve the lord, which is an evil conduct.